Are there jaguarundi in Florida?


Officially, there are no jaguarundi in Florida as the map below shows: Anecdotally, you will hear about sightings of jaguarundi in Florida from time to time. Perhaps there are some in this sunny state because they were released from a private zoo. These are the countries at 2014 (the latest information available) where this …

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Are jaguarundi dangerous to humans?


Are jaguarundi dangerous to humans? Under nearly all circumstances in the wild jaguarundis are not dangerous to humans as they are small wild cats. They’d normally run a mile from humans. There have been no records of humans being attacked by a jaguarundi in the wild as far as I know. My reference book …

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Do jaguarundi make good pets? No, but a teenager mistakenly adopts a jaguarundi cub.

Jaguarundi cub, Dani (a male), inadvertently adopted by Argentinian teenager

People ask Messrs Google if it is a good idea to adopt a jaguarundi as a pet cat. I guess they think it is possible because they are a small wild cat and people like the look of small wild cats. Their interest in the idea comes from the cat’s exotic appearance. The trouble …

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Are jaguarundis nocturnal?

Jaguarundi cub making extraordinary sounds

Are jaguarundis nocturnal? No, they are not exclusively nocturnal. Jaguarundis have been recorded moving around and hunting at all times of the day and night (sources: 1, 2 and 3). However, it appears that this strange looking wild cat prefers to hunt by day (diurnal). The cat’s uniform coat indicates a ‘more diurnal lifestyle’ …

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