New Zealand is desensitizing its kids to animal sentience and causing animal pain

New Zealand's indoctrination of kids into ignoring animal sentience

OPINION AND COMMENT PLEASE NOTE: Like other animal advocates I am disgusted and shocked at New Zealand’s attitude towards feral cats and the desensitisation of New Zealand children towards causing pain in animals, to ignoring the sentience of animals, in this notorious and controversial annual competition in North Canterbury in which children and their …

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Computer games like Assassin’s Creed: Origins devalues cats as you can kill them brutally

Violence against a domestic cat in Assassin's Creed: Origins

There are some computer games in which the players have the opportunity to kill domestic cats. Is this sensible? Does it encourage the players to progress to killing real cats? Is there a connection between violence in computer games and violence in real life? It begs the question if violent films and television series …

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4 brands dump Aussie influencer, Emma Claiir, after she admitted killing two cats when a child

Emma Claiir admits killing 2 cats as a child

NEWS AND COMMENT: This story illustrates how brands rapidly distance themselves from any partner with whom they work who’s been involved in animal abuse. And it doesn’t seem to matter whether it happened many years ago when the person was very young. Animal abuse is a no-no for businesses who use Instagram influencers to …

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School teacher encourages kids to kill non-native animals including cats

NZ - kids killing non-native species

Nathan Winograd, American’s leading animal advocate in respect of animal shelters and on other topics, has written an excoriating article about the people who wish to kill non-native species such as feral cats because they prey on native species. He examines the motivation of these people and the horrendously unethical and debased way people …

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Youths hunting domestic cats with catapults after midnight for years and law enforcement are nowhere

Dark and Dingy Hull

An animal lover living in Hull, UK has warned residents on the Greatfield Estate to keep their cat indoors at night because she claims that youths are killing them with catapults for the fun of it. Yes, it is time to refer to cat cruelty in the land of the animal lovers, England. Sorry, …

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Kitten less than 24 hours old dumped in trash can by teenagers

Newborn kitten dumped in trash can by teenagers

I don’t want to write about this stuff. It’s too horrible. It’s too callous. And it’s about teenagers. Young people who have a life ahead of them. What’s their life going to be like if they start out like this? Chucking a newborn cat into a trash can and thinking that it’s funny. The …

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Teenagers drowning 2-day-old kittens in cup of water highlights change in attitude to animal cruelty

Teenage boys drowned a kitten like this

In 2011, Nevada created law which made first offence animal cruelty a felony (a serious crime). This was a radical move in the right direction from the standpoint of animal advocates. The law reflected a change in sentiment towards animal welfare in the state and, wider, in the USA. Looking back a century ago …

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Very distressed child killed the family cat

Disturbed child

Jersey: Clinical psychologist, Miriam Silver, said that research showed that ‘very distressed’ children were cruel to animals. In this disturbing case from the island of Jersey in the English Channel of the coast of Northern France, two sibling children were subjected to incest and neglect and forced to eat off the kitchen floor. They …

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