Tasmania’s feral cats are attracted to a feather boa

Tasmania's feral cats are attracted to a feather boa in a study conducted by Alexandra Paton. The photograph is by her using a camera trap.

A study found that feather boas are effective in luring feral cats. The person who carried out the study, Alexandra Paton, a PhD student at Tasmania’s School of Natural Sciences at the University of Tasmania, doesn’t tell us in so many words exactly why she is so excited about feral cats being lured by …

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Diary of alleged Buffalo shooter recorded cat stabbing and mutilation

Payton Gendron

NEWS AND COMMENT: The self-professed white supremacist, Payton Gendron, 18, who is accused of shooting 13 people in Buffalo, USA, of which 10 died, kept a diary in which he detailed the stabbing and mutilation of a feral cat. In the diary he said: “My current beliefs started when I first started to use …

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Feral cat couldn’t be tested for rabies because the victim shot the cat in the head

Hand showing puncture wounds from cat bite

Grand Island, Nebraska, USA: a man, Dennis Stoltenberg, was attacked by a feral cat on his property last week. The circumstances of the attack have not been reported. We do know, however, that the cat clamped onto his hand with his jaws and wouldn’t let go causing 50 puncture wounds, some of which punctured …

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Worcester County Animal Control Kill Cats As a First Measure

In Worcester County, USA, there are too many stray cats. That’s what they say. The sheriff says that domestic animals must be under the control of the owner and all times. If they allow their pets to wonder they will be fined. However, he does say that if stray cats are picked up by …

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Australia Still Searching for Ways to Deal with their Feral Cats

For several years, in full public view on the Internet, the Australian authorities have been searching for ways to bring the feral cat on their continent under their control. They want to eradicate the feral cat and have put forward ambitious plans to kill millions but time and again it has dawned upon them …

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Mass Killing of Feral Cats Would Be Illegal

killing feral cats is impractical

In New Zealand and Australia, and in many areas of North America, there is this constant battle between two opposing forces: those that wish to trap and kill feral cats to eradicate them and those on the other side of the fence who wish to pursue the more humane policy of TNR. The simple …

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Feral Cat Protection

By Dee This is from the heart and not the brain… Introduction from Michael: I asked Dee to tell people how she helps to protect feral cats when they are being fed and TNR’d. I asked because we know there are quite a lot of people who like to kill feral cats. Caretaking feral …

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Consequences of Killing Feral Cats

by Michael What are the consequences of killing feral cats in large numbers? Many people want to eradicate them entirely from North America. They say they are an invasive species but overlook the reasonable argument that home sapiens could also be defined as an invasive species in countries and continents other than Africa. They …

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