Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners implied that Kristen Lindsey was indoctrinated into shooting feral cats

Lindsey was indoctrinated into believing that shooting feral cats was acceptable

I was provoked into briefly revisiting the notorious Kristen Lindsey case which is still pretty fresh in my mind even though it was closed on October 20th 2016 in a final court order against her which suspended her practicing certificate for five years with four years on probation in I believe an amendment to …

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Revisiting the notorious Kristen Lindsey criminal case

Kristen Lindsey

The last article on the notorious Kristen Lindsey case on this website is dated 10 August 2019. That’s getting on for two years ago but I’m in the mood to just touch base again on this notorious criminal act by a veterinarian who incidentally was never charged with a crime by the dilatory police. …

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Texas 3rd Court of Appeals issues final mandate against cat killer Kristen Lindsey

Kristen Lindsey

A final mandate was issued by the Texas 3rd Court of Appeals on August 9 against cat killer Kristen Lindsey. All previous sanctions will remain in effect and Lindsey is required to pay all court costs. Tiger’s Justice Team News, the go-to place on Facebook that has kept us informed since the beginning, posted …

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Alley Cat Allies issues a press release after the Texas Supreme Court rejected Kristen Lindsey’s request to appeal her punishment

Kristen Lindsey

The highest state court in Texas has reaffirmed the decision to deny Kristen Lindsey’s right to appeal her punishment for killing a cat.  For those who aren’t familiar with the case, Lindsey is the veterinarian who cruelly shot a cat named Tiger through the head with an arrow in 2015 then bragged about it …

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Kristen Lindsey is back in the news applying to the Supreme Court of Texas

KL - vet who shot cat with bow and arrow

Kristen Lindsey’s Attorney Brian Bishop has applied to the Supreme Court of Texas to review the judgement of the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners in suspending her license to practice. I think, in short, she wants to remove from the record any punishment that she received because she shot dead a neighbor’s cat, …

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Kristen Lindsey ordered to pay court costs: Court holds that there was no reversible error in the trial court’s judgment

Please note the date is showing April 28 because in the UK (and other parts of the world) they’re ahead of us in the states. For those of you unfamiliar with Kristen Lindsey, this cat killing veterinarian made global news in April 2015 when she posted a photo to Facebook bragging about shooting a …

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Reason why Kristen Lindsey was not charged with a crime when she killed Tiger, a neighbour’s cat

Kristen Lindsey and Tiger the cat she killed

Lindsey DVM was not charged with a crime under Texas animal welfare laws and laws governing criminal damage because of two essential reasons: The crime occurred in Texas and; The cat’s owners, Mr and Mrs Johnson, “wished no ill will against Dr Lindsey” and “had no desire to pursue charges against Dr Lindsey”. Of …

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