Kristen Lindsey’s landlord, another veterinarian, quietly encouraged her to kill Tiger the cat

Kristen Lindsey and Tiger the cat she killed

At the time Dr Kristen Lindsey killed Tiger with a bow and arrow she was living in a property which was rented from another veterinarian, Dr Buenger. Buenger was her landlord. Tiger had been around the property quite a lot before Lindsey killed him. As a result, on April 14th, Lindsay asked Beunger whether …

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Kristen Lindsey’s license suspension remains in full effect and she has to pay court costs

Kristen Lindsey at court

On July 20, 2017, Kristen Lindsey and her attorney Brian W. Bishop headed back to court to dispute the Texas State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners’ (the “Board”) Final Decision and Order signed and entered on October 20, 2016. Facebook: Tiger’s Justice Team News posted the update August 4 “Plaintiff appeared through her attorney of …

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Kristen Lindsey says that Tiger was killed with the consent of his owners!

Owners consented to Tiger being killed by KL

In an extraordinary and desperate attempt to get her veterinary license back, Kristen Lindsey (KL), through her attorney Brian Bishop, has argued that Tiger’s owners tacitly consented to KL’s killing of Tiger with an arrow to the head. The phrase that the attorney used in his written argument is “apparently assented”. KL is challenging …

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Veterinarians’ Open Letter to Kristen Lindsey

There is an open letter to Kristen Lindsey on the DVM website from more than 100 American veterinarians. It was originally signed in full by the participants but there was a backlash on social media. Now the letter is signed off with the veterinarian’s initials to protect their identity. The backlash no doubt …

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Kristen Lindsey has some very strict rules to live by following DWI conviction


Kristen Lindsey, the Texas veterinarian who lost her license to practice following the very public trial after bragging about killing a cat named Tiger with a bow and arrow on April 15, 2015, has been sentenced by the state of Texas for her DWI case. It won’t be an easy summer for Kristen, to …

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Kristen Lindsey cannot practice veterinary medicine and requested to pay court costs

NOTE: Original title stated Lindsey was ordered to pay court costs. The court has only “requested” that all court costs be taxed and adjudged against Lindsey for which it may be justly entitled.  According to a December 8 post by Tiger’s Justice Team News, the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners has denied Kristen …

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ALDF urges Austin County District Attorney to reopen animal cruelty case against Kristen Lindsey

On November 11, 2016, the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) sent a letter to Austin County District Attorney Travis J. Koehn to reopen the animal cruelty case against Lindsey based on new evidence uncovered during the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiner’s hearings. They made their intentions public on their Facebook community page back …

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