Why are some cats lap cats and others not?

Three lap cats

There are two reasons why cats sit on a person’s lap: warmth and contact with the person. The latter is a desire to be close to their human caretaker and companion. That’s perfectly normal. And we know that domestic cats like warmth. This is because their wildcat ancestor comes from the African/Asian hot scrublands. …

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How can a cat (approx. 5Kg) jump on my lap so gently that I don’t notice her arrival?

Street cat regularly jumps on this person's lap when he comes by

The answer is simple. Domestic cats are supremely skilled at judging the distance to jump. They exercise precisely the amount of force needed to traverse the exact, measured distance. Therefore the landing on the target object is nearly always very light. In other words there is no downward pressure through the paw pads on …

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