Video tells you why ‘pet’ caracals are not pets at all

This pet caracal is far too defensively aggressive to be a successful companion and therefore cannot be called a pet in the true sense.

So, you’ve thought about buying an exotic pet cat as you are fascinated by the wild cats. The phrase ‘exotic pet’ includes pet wild cats. Actually ‘pet wild cat’ is an oxymoron as wild cats do not make pets as this video shows. A pet is a domesticated animal that is kept primarily for …

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Meet Pumba, the fat, pet caracal of Latvia who wants to escape

Obese Pumba pet caracal of Latvia

The website headline is “Meet the loving domesticated wild cat who ‘hates being alone’”. As soon as you see the pictures of this beloved caracal you can see that he is obese. This is not right. Note: this article is in 2 parts with a link to the second part at the base …

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