5 tips for a full life if you’ve got the courage to follow them (infographic)

5 tips for a full life infographic

It takes courage to live a full life but as we all know we only have one chance unless you believe in reincarnation. Here are some tips on how to live a full life in an Infographic. Caution is wise but excessive caution limits one’s life. An over-cautious approach to life can seriously undermine …

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Boring indoor lifestyle may contribute to dementia in domestic cats

Keep active in old age. It applies to pets and people

I am going to stick my neck out in this short note on cat dementia. Yes, domestic cats can suffer from dementia just like their human caregivers. In fact, there’s a lot of similarities between cats and people in terms of their anatomy and physiology. There really is. It’s unsurprising as we are both …

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How it took me 8 years to become slender with health benefits

8-year weight loss program

This article is indirectly about cats so please don’t think that it is not. It’s looking at the subject of domestic cats obliquely but it is just as relevant because there is a link between obese people and obese cats. The problem runs in parallel because people normalise obesity and don’t recognise it either …

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