Lions are livestock in South Africa and lion farms illegally sell skeletons to Asian buyers

Lion farms ‘illegally sell skeletons to Asian buyers. In 2019 lions were classified as farm animals in South Africa.

NEWS AND OPINION: My research tells me that in 2019 (or perhaps 2020), an amendment was made to South African’s Animal Improvement Act (AIA) to reclassify lions as farm animals. The government amended the AIA to include lions as a “species” that can be bred as livestock. There was no public consultation. The amendment …

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South Africa’s 8,000-12,000 farmed lions are diseased and a potential risk to human health

Remains of lions at a South African lion farm

The Born Free Foundation tells us that there are as many as 8000-12,000 captive lions on lion farms in South Africa. They are bred to be shot for fun or their body parts exported to China or some other Asian countries perhaps for medicinal purposes based upon superstition and not science. The whole thing …

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