Brexit forces rushed export of three lionesses from England to Germany

Three lionesses Rubi Heidi and Indi

London Zoo is exporting three lionesses to Schwerin Zoo in Germany in a rush to avoid what will probably be far more stringent export regulations after 1 January 2021 when the UK finally leaves the European Union. The zoo is exporting the cats to Germany to try and improve their chances of mating with …

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Can a domestic cat mate with a lion or a tiger?

Lion x domestic cat

Without quoting any experts, common sense dictates that domestic cats cannot, or should not on ethical grounds, mate with a lion or tiger or any other big cat species for several reasons. Firstly, their size difference is too large to make it practical. Secondly, in an encounter between a big cat and the much …

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Lion Facts

Lion enjoys the equivalent of a box

This article is split into two parts for technical reasons with a link at the base of the first part to the next. The contents’ links don’t work to the second part. The most important lion facts, in my assessment, are listed here on a single page. The lion, as a subject, is very …

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