How often should you replace your cat’s litter box itself rather than the litter inside it?

Ceramic litter boxes don't need replacing regularly as they do not harbour bacteria

I have been very specific in the question in the title because Google might be unsure about the article’s content. To be absolutely clear it’s about the possible need to change the litter box itself after a certain period of time because, through wear and tear, it will become scratched. Bacteria can hide in …

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Is this clear plastic DIY cat litter box better than commercially manufactured ones?

Making you own cat litter box from clear plastic tote storage box

This is a video by a really competent American woman on how to make your own cat litter box out of a clear plastic tote storage container. I’m very impressed with her DIY skills. She claims that her box is better than commercially manufactured ones. Please note that sometimes videos stop working overtime for …

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Cat scratches litter box walls and digs a lot

A query about a domestic cat scratching her litter box walls may also be part of a general enquiry about why their cat is digging in their litter substrate too much. It looks like slightly manic and abnormal behaviour and it is slightly abnormal but there is a natural and normal reason for it. …

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Are cats inhaling micro-plastics from plastic litter trays?

cat uses litter tray

Background It is emerging that micro-plastics are a major international hazard to the health of people and wildlife. Tiny particles of plastic are shed by clothing during washing which find their way to the oceans and anywhere else. I’m sure that all humans have micro-plastics inside them. There are many reasons one of which …

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Should I get a covered litter box?

The general consensus is that you should not get a covered litter box. Although I can’t say that the answer is clear cut and one hundred percent definite. It depends on the circumstances, and the personal preferences of the cat’s owner must play a part in the decision although they are secondary to those …

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