Infographic on underlying causes of bad breath (halitosis) in cats

Halitosis in cats possible problems

How do these 7 conditions cause bad breath? Here are the explanations. Kidney disease In one study, bad breath was noticed 1.2 years before recognition of chronic kidney disease by veterinarians. It would seem to be an early symptom which can be added to weight loss, decreased appetite and excessive drinking. It’s interesting to …

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Main cause of domestic cat death at Brazilian animal Hospital was digestive system diseases

This post is over 2 pages…An interesting study published in 2018, which has come to my noticed today, states that the main cause of death of domestic cats taken to a veterinary hospital in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, was digestive system diseases (13.71%) and within this category the most common illness was …

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My cat’s breath smells bad

Feline bad breath

“My cat’s breath smells bad” is a common concern for cat owners. Bad breath is called “halitosis”. The problem shouldn’t be as common as it is because it is likely to be the consequence of a failure to observe a cat’s mouth without wishing to be overly critical. This may sound a bit odd …

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