Hairless and eyeless cat Jasper from a horror movie

Jasper - a hairless and eyeless cat

This is Jasper who is both hairless and eyeless. He’s a Sphynx cat so that he is hairless for that reason and he lost his eyes to a feline herpesvirus infection. He lost his right eye first as it became ulcerated and had to be removed. Then five years later he lost his other …

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Woman’s ‘disability’ sparked an empathy for disabled cats

Margot and Zimes

Margot Tamar Riemer has cystic fibrosis. It is an inherited condition and she probably does not call it a disability. I have because there is a natural symmetry to Margot’s ‘disability’ and her empathy towards cats with disabilities. She is drawn to helping them. This is a positive that can be drawn from a …

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Social worker for disabled children adopts kitty with additional needs


There is a beautiful match up here between rescue cat and adopter. The story comes from the Bridgend branch of Cats Protection in South Wales. Arlo’s hydrocephalus (water on the brain) is congenital (present at birth) we are told, which causes a slightly misshapen head. So he looks a bit different with his head …

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There is no such thing as “disability” for cats

Disability is seeing things as half empty. It is better to see things as half full as Honey Bee does instinctively. In fact she doesn’t even think about her disability at all. I believe that this is a lesson for many humans. Cats do teach us lessons if we are open to them.   …

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Blind Cat Homer Is Sick

By Elisa Black-Taylor Blind cat Homer could possibly be the most famous cat alive today in the U.S. His human companion, Gwen Cooper, wrote a best seller detailing his life in “Homer’s Odyssey”, and her new book “Love Saves The Day” is set to be published in January 2013. Homer, now 15, has been …

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