The most vulnerable time for a domestic cat is when their owner is away on holiday

Nema Benati and here Chinchilla Persian, Bartolo, who was lost while Nema was on holiday and Bartolo was with family

This is a little note about the vulnerability of domestic cats when their owner goes away on holiday. A cat detective, Said Beid, in Italy who is currently searching for a chinchilla Persian who lives with a social media influencer, Nima Benati, said that he is busiest when cat owners go away on holiday …

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$2,000 reward for two cats dumped by a transport driver who ‘needs an ass beating’

missing cats

This is the infuriating (and heartbreaking) story of two cats who were dumped by a transport driver on a cross country trip from Virginia to California. That transport driver needs a good ‘ass beating’ for abandoning Jack and Bean outside of Junction, Texas. A $1,000 per cat reward is being offered for their safe …

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