Gene mutation troponin-T (TNNT2) implicated in HCM in Maine Coon cats

Freddie a Maine Coon who carries a mutated gene causing HCM. This is Kathy Janson's husband Michael and Freddie

It is well established that Maine Coon cats can suffer from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Incidentally, in addition to that heart disease there appears to be a connection between this cat breed and a condition called pectus excavatum. There is certainly a connection to this breed with patella luxation and hip dysplasia (joint problems). It’s …

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Photograph of a Maine Coon cat which looks like a drawing

Photo of Maine Coon cat described as Persian but looking like neither

This is a photograph by Armand Tamboly of a domestic cat. The title on Saatchi Art is ‘Persian cat’. The description of the photograph tells us that it was taken ‘from a Maine Coon cat in a studio…’. I have the following observations. This looks more like a drawing than a photograph which makes …

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Can Maine Coons be small?

Normal-sized Maine Coon cat

Yes, Maine Coons can be normal-sized. It is a good question because there is a slight obsession about Maine Coons being big and breeders tend to follow this and make them big, sometimes huge. Maine Coons are known to be big and the biggest domestic cat breed. The fact is though that the CFA …

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Surgeon allegedly bought doctor partner a Bengal Maine Coon mix kitten but prevented her seeing it

Anonymous woman Dr A was allegedly abused by a leading cancer surgeon who bought her a kitten but refused to give it to her

This is a titillating insight into how domestic cats and kittens can be used in domestic battles. It is unusual for a rare cat to be allegedly used in this way; as a tool to upset the female partner who has accussed a leading cancer surgeon, Jeremy McKenzie, of buying her a ‘Bengal Maine …

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Picture of a Maine Coon who looks like a middle-aged man

Picture of a Maine Coon who looks like a middle-aged man

I am exposing my prejudices or biases in this short post. I think this gloroious Maine Coon resembles a middle-aged man from the developed world. It must be an example of projecting my emotions onto a cat which is not unheard of. Although this is one of those rare anthropomorphized Maine Coon’s which we …

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Why are Maine Coons so big?

Maine Coon on white

Maine Coons are big because (1) people want them to be big and (2) the cat fancy allows them to be big or demands it. But the number one cat association in America, the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA), state that this popular cat should be “medium to large” in size, which may surprise some …

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