Aggressive tomcat coming into your house to attack your cat. How to stop it.

Aggressive roaming male cat

Background Humans often live in a row of houses with backyards and fences delineating their property boundary. Domestic cats don’t recognise boundaries. They just recognise space, the space that they claim as their own. It crosses human boundaries. They don’t understand doors and windows. If a neighbour’s cat comes into your home the cat …

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Do male cats recognise their own kittens?

Whole male cat

Do male cats recognise their own kittens? I am referring to domestic cats because I’m sure the question is about domestic cats. It’s impossible to find a clean and direct answer to the question and therefore it is a good question. I think, however, that I have found the answer indirectly. Let us first …

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Personality difference between male and female Maine Coons

Male Maine Coon

When adopting a Maine Coon cat some people like to know whether there is a difference between females and males after they have been neutered and spayed. There is not a lot on this and people will obviously have to recognize that there are natural differences between individual cats irrespective of gender so it …

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Daddy cat shown happily helping mother cat raise their little family

Daddy cat and family

This is the story of a cat daddy in Vietnam who took his role as a parent seriously. Now he’s helping mama cat raise the litter he’s responsible for and his story is quickly going viral on social media since the story was posted on Facebook by Thuy Duong Panda. Yello and Tam are …

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