Why does the Manx cat have no tail?

Manx cat

Although there are ten imaginative hypotheses as to why Manx cats have no tails, there is one genuine and less colourful reason which is that the Manx gene cropped up spontaneously as a naturally occurring mutation on the Isle of Man centuries ago. This gene became established because of prolonged inbreeding amongst the tailless …

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Manx Cats

All the photos and text on this page are protected by copyright © except where indicated. Violations of copyright are reported to Google.com (DMCA). Contents Introduction Origin History/Myths The Mutation Appearance Health overview Spina Bifida Atresia ani Rectal prolapse Pyoderma Other points of interest Breeders Note about the photos: The high quality pictures by …

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Manx Cat Picture 5

This as you are probably aware is not a professional photograph. It is of a Manx cat of the “stumpy” type (short tail). She was an old cat now sadly passed on. This is a nice photograph showing the tail well. As this girl cat was ill at this time her owner the photographer …

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