The illegal trade in cheetahs

Pet cheetah in a car in Dubai on a lead with the owner on his phone.

For a long time now there has been a fascination with the exotic cheetah, the world’s fastest land animal, which has encouraged the illegal trade of cheetahs as they are taken from their mothers, caged, smuggled and sold as pets in countries in the Middle East and elsewhere, where the rich feel the need …

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Woman captures lion with bare hands in Kuwait and carries it down the street

Woman carries pet lion down Kuwaiti street

Location: Sabahiya a suburb of Kuwait City, Kuwait, Middle East. The title to this article is click bait. I am not immune to using click bait from time to time. But the video is remarkable. It’s on Twitter and it shows a Kuwaiti woman capturing and carrying a subadult lion down the street at …

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Trafficked cheetah cubs flaunted on Instagram

Sad picture of cheetah cub saved from being trafficked to the Middle East to be a pet to the rich

NEWS AND COMMENT-SOMALILAND: Calum Cairns, a former veterinarian working in rural North Yorkshire, UK, is today a cheetah rescuer operating out of a facility on the edge of Hargeisa, in the capital of Somaliland in East Africa. The cheetahs that he rescues are often in a bad way being malnourished and dehydrated. The Cheetah …

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Message to rich Middle Eastern residents: please stop keeping cheetahs as pets!

Sad picture of cheetah cub saved from being trafficked to the Middle East to be a pet to the rich

This is a plea to the rich residents of the Middle East who want to keep a cheetah as a pet; please stop it. Please stop it now. What you’re doing is cruel. You are damaging the conservation of the cheetah severely. You are presenting to the world that this beautiful creature, the world’s …

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Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Muhammad bin Rashid Al Khartoum gives four men $13,610 each for being kind towards pregnant cat

Dubai: Four kind men who are immigrant workers save a pregnant cat from injuring herself in falling from a building

NEWS AND COMMENT – DUBAI: Is this a publicity stunt? I am opening up with a provocative statement. I may be unkind to be that provocative but the ruler of Dubai has been suffering from bad publicity recently due to his alleged imprisonment of one of his daughters, Princess Latifa. She is apparently no …

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