Constipation experiments on cats to benefit America’s military veterans

VA cat experiments

Experiments regarding incontinence and constipation (dysfunctional voiding) on domestic cats are taking place in America. They are cruel experiments and they are designed to research medical treatments for America’s military veterans who have been injured and are suffering various health challenges including incontinence, frequent urination, general dysfunctional avoiding, diabetes and spinal cord injuries. Information …

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Veterans Day US – Cat Pictures

This soldier is awesome as he feeds a stray kitten in a foreign land

A genuine Facebook friend of mine, Barbara reminded me that today is Veterans Day in the US. In the UK, yesterday we had Remembrance Sunday and today it is Armistice Day (Remembrance Day). If we are to be grammatically correct it should be Veteran’s Day with the apostrophe but the United States Department of …

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California’s 2 million military vets won’t have to pay animal shelter adoption fees

Vets suffering from PTSD can become criminals

“This is a big win for veterans and shelter animals. Buster and Pepper bring me joy and laughter and I benefit from the positive effects of their companionship. Our brave heroes deserve the same happiness, and I’m glad we can reduce the barriers for bringing together veterans seeking companion animals and pets in need …

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The heartbreaking story of a U.S. Army veteran who suffered a traumatic brain injury and the kitten who saved him

This story about a U.S. Army veteran who sustained a traumatic injury in a mortar attack in Iraq comes with a tissue alert. If you don’t cry over this one there’s something seriously wrong with your tear ducts. U.S. Army veteran Josh Marino was on a battlefield in Iraq when he sustained traumatic injuries …

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Italian military officer court-martialed for saving a cat’s life

Lieutenant Barbara Balanzon is an Italian military reservist who in civilian life works as an anaesthetist in Tuscany, Italy. However, I think she has recently resigned from the military. In her role in the military she served in Kosovo as a medical officer. One of the rules on the base, where she was deployed, …

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