How Good Is Your Siamese Cat’s Appearance?

How good is your Siamese cat in terms of that all important appearance? A cat’s appearance is very important to many purebred cat owners. It certainly is to the breeder who sold the cat. Personality is a factor too but this page addresses appearance. You like the appearance of the Siamese cat and their …

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Are Breed-specific Cat Foods Designed for Better Feline Health?

The pet food industry is one of the most lucrative groups of businesses in the United States and Europe, continuing to grow exponentially. According to a report recently released by Petfood, the extremely strong animal/human bond is responsible for helping to sequester the industry from the ravages of a bleak economy. Reported in …

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Types of Siamese Cat with Pictures

This is an attempt to explain the different types of Siamese cat with the help of illustrations that show the subtle differences. What do I mean by ‘type’ of Siamese cat? I am referring to the body conformation, the shape of the cat’s body, head, ears, tail etc. For the purposes of this article, …

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