Christian South African school’s fundraiser included the auction of a lion hunt

Futurum Akademie's unethical lion hunt as a fundraiser which was particularly shocking as this school says that their MO is rooted in Christian beliefs

NEWS AND COMMENT: This story comes from South Africa. I have started that way because South Africa has a bad reputation for abusing lions. They offer canned lion hunts to rich Europeans and Americans. They breed lions for these hunts. They abuse lions in the interests of financial profit. It’s a bad relationship with …

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We can’t expect China to stop animal cruelty even if they introduce animal welfare laws

The level of corruption in China would prevent the proper enforcement of any animal welfare laws that might be enacted in the long-term future in that country

China currently has no animal welfare laws. I’ve said it many times and it still shocks me bearing in mind this is the second largest economy in the world. The existence of animal welfare laws is a reflection on the morality of a society. We are compelled to conclude that Chinese society is morally …

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Nauseating picture of a cougar strapped to a Lamborghini

Rich sport hunter ties his shot cougar to the back of his Lambo

This is a personal tirade. Almost a rant. Sorry, but this man’s behavior makes me angry. He appears to have asked his wife (or a friend) to photograph him with his son as he holds the head of the cougar that he just shot dead on a hunting trip. A very pleasant (not) family …

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Is euthanizing a healthy cat cruel?

Is euthanising a healthy cat cruel?

Let’s first define the word ‘cruel’. It means “wilfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it.” Note that there has to be the causation of pain and suffering. Euthanasia done properly by a veterinarian using proper techniques in conjunction with respect and care does not cause pain and suffering to …

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Australian Capital Territory (ACT) acts humanely towards feral cats while the other jurisdictions do not

ACT Government logo

As an introduction I would like to say this: the volunteers who manage feral cat colonies under TNR programs are very decent, kind people. They do their work without charge, freely and with a love of the cats. One TNR volunteers sums it up, “The amount of suffering is the reason that we do …

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The ETHICS of pet freeze-drying

Freeze-drying your pet

Nobody discusses this topic! No even Psychology Today. There is quite a lot on the internet about freeze-drying your pet but nothing on the more important topic of whether it is ethical. So, what is frieze-drying your pet? Freeze-drying stops the decaying process by using a combination of very low temperature and vacuum application …

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People lack a conscience when they abandon their cat. Always rehome.

One of the abandoned cats

I don’t know how people can abandon their cat either to a shelter or at the side of a road. Or perhaps they move home and leave their cat behind sometimes locked inside the home remarkably. These people cannot have a conscience. What is a conscience? Is a mental process in which you measure …

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