Speculation that mountain lions inhabit the Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia

Pawprint of possible mountain lion in Blue Mountains NSW

NEWS AND VIEWS – BLUE MOUNTAINS, NSW, AUSTRALIA: Based on quite vague pawprints and loosely formulated theories there has been speculation about the possibility of “big cats” roaming around the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney, NSW. The phrase “big cats” has been used loosely because the hikers speculated that there were mountain lions in …

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Big cat sighting in Southern Italy is likely to be genuine

Big cat sighting in Italy?

This is one of the few possibly genuine big cat sightings in Europe. So often they are domestic cats. There is an innate fear of cats which promotes many false big cat sightings. However, it is probable that the three big cat sightings since January 15th of a large black cat, a panther, in …

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Outsized moggy – Beast of St Albans – is no bigger than my cat!

Beast of St Albans

Thirteen days ago the Daily Mail online presented to the world a mysterious cat which they described as the Beast of St Albans. They said that the outsized moggy had leopard markings and was “definitely bigger than a domestic cat”. This cat was definitely not domestic they screamed but actually when you look at …

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