Domestic cats operate on instinct placing a high level of responsibility on owners. Infographic.

Perhaps it is fair to say that sometimes cat owners (caregivers) forget that their feline friend operates on DNA hard-wired instinct as they are often seen as little human members of the family which is nice. Moreover, this DNA is inherited from their wildcat ancestor. The domestic cat’s behaviour is rooted in the behaviour …

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The 5 freedoms and full-time indoor living for cats

Window perch for indoor cats

There is a policy called the Five Freedoms which applies to farm livestock, and which has been mentioned in a study about the adaptation of domestic cats to confinement. It is something that I had not considered before. There are challenges in keeping a domestic cat confined to the home particularly when it’s a …

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It’s time to bite the bullet and leash train your cat!

It is time to bit the bullet and leash train your cat

You might have been thinking about leash training your cat. You might have been thinking about it for a long time but have been put off by the difficulties. And there are some difficulties. The biggest difficulty is that it requires a lot of patience. However, the need to leash train your cat is …

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Do cats like snow? Yes and No.

Do cats like snow? Yes and No.

I’m asking whether domestic cats like snow. There must be two factors which influence the answer, namely whether an individual domestic cat has seen snow before or often and secondly the character of that individual cat. Domestic cats are inquisitive. If they’ve not seen snow before, when it falls it’s going to be at …

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Presenting the back of your hand when greeting a domestic cat

Presenting the back of the hand when greeting a cat

There are advantages to presenting the back of your hand when greeting a domestic cat, including your own cat. I always do it. This may be because my cat is a former feral cat and is perhaps a little twitchier than your average domestic cat. However, I have found that if I inadvertently wave …

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Why are domestic cats scared of cucumbers?

Although this precise question has been asked and answered many times, I will throw my hat into the ring, briefly. There are two reasons why cats are scared of cucumbers, (1) they are hardwired to avoid snakes as they’ve inherited an instinct to regard them as dangerous and the cucumber has similar dimensions, except …

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Domestic cats allegedly got TB from commercial raw food and gave the disease to their owners

Raw food diet for cats

NEWS AND COMMENT: Over 100 domestic cats may have been infected with TB after eating raw venison prepared commercially. It seems that the veterinarians’ warning about raw cat food has come true in this story about a product from Natural Instinct, a raw cat food supplier based in Surrey, UK. Research carried out by …

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