Woman issues flyer asking neighbours to stop feeding her cat. Who’s at fault?

Flyer asking neighbours to stop feeding her ginger tabby cat who solicits food from neighbours in their homes

The flyer that the cat owner distributed in her area is self-explanatory. She is basically asking neighbours to stop feeding her cat as he begs for food and she does not want him to get fat. I think some of what she is saying is not entirely true (or they are exaggerations) and designed …

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Man embroiled in controversy when helping neglected neighbour’s cat

Jarvis with his Elizabethan collar after his leg amputation

This is about a nice guy living in America who felt that he had to help a neighbour’s cat. The cat was neglected. He posted his story on the Reddit.com website. It seems that the problem started when the woman who owned the cat kicked her cat out of the home because her boyfriend …

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Poll: choose an option to force better cat ownership standards

Poll symbol

I am in a poll mood today 🙂 . Here are some options in a poll which are designed to improve cat guardianship standards through local byelaws to make certain aspects of cat ownership mandatory. A small minority spoil it for the majority by allowing, for instance, their cats to bred and then neglectfully …

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Sydney woman allowed to keep 54 companion animals at her residential home

Bramhall with one of her cats; a Sphynx

NEWS AND COMMENT-SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA: Is this an example of animal hoarding or just very efficient pet ownership carried out to a high standard but in large numbers? The local authority decided the latter as they’ve allowed Hayley Bramhall, a bikini model, to keep her 54 pets which include two cats, two guinea pigs, 17 …

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2 devices I would try first to keep cats out of your backyard plus alternatives

Motion activated water spraying cat deterrent

There are many people who want to keep neighbours’ cats out of their backyard and there are many methods, some of which will fail. I like these two methods and I will recommend them as a starting point because they may fix the problem for you. Importantly they are humane and perhaps even more …

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Widow can’t have a cat because her neighbour admitted to killing her last cat

NEWS AND VIEWS: Shirley Gear-Evans, 65, a widow of Adber, near Sherborne in Dorset, UK, said that she can’t have another cat because her neighbour admittedly drowned her cat, Ruby, in a water butt. Her neighbour is Richard Giles, 69, a gardener. He claimed that Shirley’s cat kept on digging up his vegetables. Mr …

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My neighbour’s cat asks to be let in all the time, so is he neglected?

Picture of cat at a front door

It is not uncommon for neighbourhood cats to want to visit neighbour’s homes. You won’t know if an individual cat is neglected or well cared for unless you take the cat to a veterinarian which is a possibility (but unusual) if you are really concerned. However, a cat’s general appearance will give you a …

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