Near 100% spaying and neutering of domestic cats would put back cat domestication

TNR program Austin Texas

Introduction: the spaying and neutering of cats is a good thing for obvious reasons. This article is not against spaying and neutering it is simply discussing what might be an unexpected outcome if great success were encountered in this process. In an idea which sounds like science fiction, Dr Bradshaw states that if the …

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Increased Female Cat Spaying is the Principal Answer to Cat Population Control

An RSPCA report states that in order for the domestic cat population to be stable (i.e. neither increasing or decreasing) the domestic cat neutering rate needs to be 92%. This means that 92% of domestic cats need to be neutered at any one time. Sadly, as at 2012, neutering rates in the UK of …

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Cat seems to know that he has lost his “bits” after neutering operation

Male cat Milo misses his balls after neutering operation

A six-month-old cat, Milo, wakes up at home from a neutering operation and appears to show his dissatisfaction with what has happened when he lets out a huge screech. He then spends about an hour checking what he’s missing! His owner photographed in but sadly there isn’t a video. There is a serious side …

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