In New York State feral cats have the same status as domestic cats

It is important in terms of how the citizens of New York State relate to feral cats to realise (if they don’t already) that feral cats are considered as companion animals under section 350 of the New York State Agriculture and Market Law. The law protects animals and the word ‘animal’ in this statute …

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New York State Parks Office suddenly decide to trap and remove managed feral cats

NEWS AND COMMENT: BETHPAGE STATE PARK, LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK STATE: For a very long time volunteers have been looking after the feral cats on Bethpage State Park. There is a long established colony and one of the current volunteers looking after them is John Stravato, 67, who said that he’s been caring for …

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Why are Bengal cats illegal in New York City (NYC)?

Suki - Bengal cat

It is difficult to believe it now but Bengal cats are controversial in some places for the single reason that they are wild cat hybrids. They have Asiatic leopard cat DNA in them to varying degrees depending on their filial – how many generations they are from the wild. Some people don’t like the …

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Statewide declaw ban is government overreach?

Assembleyman Crouch against statewide declaw ban

Michigan state is debating a ban on declawing. If the legislation is passed Michigan would become the second state after New York to ban declawing. During the New York debate State Assemblyman Clifford Crouch speaking inside the NY state legislature said that a ban on declawing across the state is government overreach. As it …

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To stop treating companion animals like commodities

NEW YORK STATE – opinion/news story: Deputy Senate Majority Leader Mike Gianaris, a Democrat from Queens, summed up the reason why New York state is heading towards a situation where the sale of cats, dogs and rabbits at retail stores would be banned. The question is whether we should be treating our animals like …

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A person who regularly feeds a cat on their property is presumed to be the owner

David Rice Atchinson statue

The title to this post is very similar to the words used in an updated law concerning Plattsburgh, New York. The existing law is called Dogs and Cats at Large. The updating, carried out by an amendment to the law, states that “A person who regularly feeds a dog or cat on their property, …

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Linda Rosenthal is a wonderful advocate for animal rights and welfare

New York State Assembly Member Linda B. Rosenthal of the 67th Assembly District

This is a brief post in praise of Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal representing District 67 as a Democrat in the New York State Assembly, which includes parts of Manhattan’s Upper West Side and Clinton/Hell’s Kitchen neighborhoods. The reason why she deserves praise from cat lovers is because she is behind four major changes to the …

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New York state ban on cat declawing is the biggest single USA advancement in cat welfare for a century

Declawing bill NY state

I will tell you why I think that the New York state ban on cat declawing is the single biggest advancement in cat welfare this century in America. It might be the biggest advancement in animal welfare generally this century in the US. It is the first statewide ban of cat declawing. It is …

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