The story of a kitten who died of fading kitten syndrome

Mia's death

Let’s call the kitten Mia. Her mother was a stray cat. She was often hungry. She suffered from parasites, poor diet and an inadequate supply of food and nutrients. Mia was born underweight. Fortunately, her mother was not infected with toxoplasmosis, or other major infectious diseases such as feline infectious peritonitis. Mia therefore was …

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Is it cruel to keep a cat in a cage at night?

Kitten in cage

The response depends on: What you mean by cat? Do you mean adult cats? Or do you man kittens? The reason why you are considering caging your cat at night. Reason for caging a cat at night If you are thinking about caging a cat or kitten at night because they disturb you and …

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How will a mother cat react if I touch her kittens?

Mother cat and her young kittens

I believe that the answer to the question is dependent upon how well the cat knows the person who is touching her kittens. The veterinarian’s response to the question is that: “..most queens (female cat mothers) display anxiety when their very young kittens are constantly handled by unknown people or if unfamiliar pets or …

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Man thrust into postnatal midwifery care of a litter of kittens

Man thrust into midwife postpartum care of a litter of kittens

Paris Zarcilla is a filmmaker living in East London. One day he found a cat under his bed. She had just given birth to a litter of kittens. It’s changed Paris’s life and his Twitter feed! Paris is completely enamoured by becoming an overnight father. He has no idea where the cat came from …

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Molly & Maisey – more cat than meets the eye

Hi guys – Danielle from Ark on the Edge here. Well, well, well stupid me thinking there used to be a kitten season and after my last article about the 11 black and white brigade kittens that we had, were all successfully rehomed just after new year and are doing fantastically well. And I thought that …

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