New York City cat rescuer with 12,000 Instagram followers arrested for alleged animal abuse

Cats rescued from a cat rescuer by the ASPCA

NEWS AND VIEWS: On the face of it, this is another one of those cat rescuers turned bad stories. We see them from time to time when cats rescued by a rescuer need to be rescued from the rescuer! But we have to be careful when we criticise cat rescue charities because the stories …

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Pet cats missing after homeless encampment bulldozed in San Jose, California

Clearing out the San Jose encampment

NEWS AND VIEWS – SAN JOSE, UNITED STATES: Nathan Winograd has told me about a news item which is concerning to animal advocates. The NBC video covers it nicely. And the video mentions the problem with disappearing cats. Nathan Winograd summarises it nicely too: The recent sweep of a homeless encampment in San Jose …

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UK students are allowed to identify as cats, horses and dinosaurs!

Meow - students identify as animals

NEWS AND VIEWS-UK: This is another episode in an ongoing trend concerning students – I believe to be relatively young students – who want to self-identify as animals and to want to be addressed as such to the point where one student at one secondary school in the UK answered questions in class by …

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TikTok spied on journalist through an account in her cat’s name

TikTok could be banned for spying through their app

TikTok is getting a bad reputation for unethical behavior. In the past the administrators have been criticised for allowing animal abuse videos in large numbers and making a list of gay users. And now spying on a female British journalist via an account under her cat’s name. Cheap behavior which has been admitted. There …

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America, Australia and UK alarmed at TikTok spying on their citizens and the state

TikTok could be banned for spying through their app

NEWS AND OPINION: This is a rapidly emerging story which frankly is alarming but unsurprising. The basic tenor of the story is that the Chinese government is using TikTok, a highly popular social media Internet website, to spy on citizens and state machinery including employees working for governments. There are and have been pressures …

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Information and infographic on SPOROTRICHOSIS a fungal infection in cats which is spreading

Sporothrix brasiliensis

For many people, this will be a new cat fungal infection. People are familiar with ringworm in cats which, too, is a fungal infection that is known by many cat caregivers and shelter managers. There are other fungal infections. The one I am addressing today is new to me: Sporothrix brasiliensis. It is present …

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Amazon are terminating Amazon Smile, their charitable donation program. The reason why.

Amazon Smile ceases in late Feb 2023

Amazon Smile raised $500 million for charities elected by customers over its lifetime of 10 years. A small percentage of the sale price was given to charity by Amazon. It did not increase the sale price of the goods purchased. Amazon say that the charity was spread too thinly, “[the] program has not grown …

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Be aware of fly-by-night animal sanctuaries in the UK

Fly-by-night animal sanctuaries are a problem in the UK

This is about another UK scam/fraud/con in the UK. My God, there are so many of them I’ve almost lost track. The citizens of the UK are surrounded by fraudsters and thieves. And, sadly, the police seem to be impotent, so we are alone. This one concerns what The Times refers to as “fly-by-night …

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