Art teacher sacked because her cat wandered into online presentation

Cat wanders into online class

NEWS AND COMMENT-CHINA: An art teacher, Luo, delivering an online presentation because of Covid, was sacked when her pet cat inadvertently entered the presentation and could be seen by students. In all the cat appeared five times but did not interfere with the lesson, the teacher said. She felt compelled to challenge the school …

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Tens of thousands of Ukrainian refugees and their pets entering USA via Mexico

NEWS AND COMMENT-SAN DIEGO, USA: There is an interesting back story to the Facebook announcement by the San Diego Humane Society which posted that a Ukrainian refugee was able to reunite with her beloved Pomeranian after the dog had completed a 28-day rabies quarantine required by US law. The woman had entered the US …

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Boris Johnson’s tomcat swagger ‘neutered’ by events of his own making

Boris neutered

In the news at the moment there is a plethora of cat analogies to describe the trials and tribulations of Boris Johnson, the UK’s former prime minister who recently resigned due to a cascade of criticism over his inability to stick to the rules. In the Sunday Times today there is a big article …

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First lady of South Korea, Kim Keon-hee, has called for an end to dog meat consumption

First lady of South Korea, Kim Keon-hee, has called for an end to dog meat consumption

NEWS AND COMMENT-SOUTH KOREA: the first lady of South Korea, Kim Keon-hee, has called for an and to dog meat consumption in her country. What about cat meat? Does the first lady suffer from speciesism? Does the First Lady think that it is acceptable to eat cat meat but not dog meat? I will …

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California animal shelter bans customers who support the pro-gun lobby

Shelter Hope Pet Shop

“California animal shelter won’t adopt dogs to Second Amendment supporters, vows to sue people if they lie about their beliefs”. This is one online headline today. NEWS AND COMMENT: Shelter Hope Pet Shop, Thousand Oaks, California, USA was “created to aid shelter and pet adoptions, promote education and bring awareness to the communities we …

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5 things that can happen to improve rentals to pet owners

Landlords letting out to renters with pets

In some Australian jurisdictions families are being forced to give up dogs and cat when they go into rental accommodation because landlords ban pets. Australia is not alone. There is a dearth of rental accommodation allowing pets. Or if pets are allowed the conditions are too tight. This can lead to tenants with pets …

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Extraordinary picture of Johnny Depp cradling a young orphaned badger

Johnny Depp at Folly Wildlife Rescue holding a young badger raised at the rescue

Johnny Depp visited Folly Wildlife Rescue, Tunbridge Wells, United Kingdom, yesterday. While he was there, he was allowed to enjoy the rare privilege of briefly holding Freddie (named after Freddie Mercury) one of the many orphaned badger cubs that the charity is hand rearing. Johnny Depp, they say, was bowled over by the whole …

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