Huge Norwegian Forest Cat and he is overweight as well

Huge Norwegian Forest Cat

This impressive looking Norwegian Forest Cat, Ulric, is enormous, as enormous as the most enormous Maine Coon cats that you see in America. He caught my eye. He is a ginger-and-white tabby Norwegian Forest Cat with beautiful long fur. He weighed 2 stone 2 lbs at the time the photographs were taken. And at …

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What is the temperament of a Norwegian Forest Cat?

What is the temperament of a Norwegian Forest Cat?

What is the temperament of a Norwegian Forest Cat? People want to know. The terms used to describe the personality of this large, long-haired Norwegian breed are: brave and loving, adventurous, adaptable, independent, responsive, alert, inventive, affectionate, good-natured, playful, athletic, strong, quick, bold, mischievous, calm, confident, intelligent, sturdy, rugged, agile…a great cat basically from …

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Comparing Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest and Siberian Cats

This is a conventional look at these three cats. I compare history, appearance, character and inherent health. I score each element with a heart shaped symbol. Five stars being the maximum. Scoring has to be subjective but I have been as objective as possible. The page is deliberately succinct as there is a lot …

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Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian forest cat

Norwegian Forest Cat – Please note: All the photographs illustrating this page (which are generally thumbnails) are by Helmi Flick, a professional photographer of repute. The copyright belongs to her. Please respect that. Sources of information are embedded in the text and referenced by “src:” or at the end of the section concerned. The …

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