Can cats sense when something is wrong?

Cat looking in a concerned way.

Can cats sense when something is wrong? I’ll refer to my personal experiences and those of Jackson Galaxy to answer the question. When something is wrong in our world it affects us emotionally which usually results in our body language reflecting how we feel. Cats can pick up on our emotions through various ways …

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Cat learns to operate wall-mounted light switch

Cat learns to operate wall-mounted light switch

The proof is in the pudding: cats learn by observation. This clever, athletic cat has learned to operate a typical wall-mounted light switch about five feet off the floor. It does not surprise me but it does look interesting. Cats normally learn by observation in the wild by watching their mother. It is pretty …

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Do cats understand human emotions?

Do cats understand human emotions?

In answer to the question, “do cats understand human emotions?” my current thinking is that they do understand them to a limited extent through the person’s facial expressions, their behavior and body language but they will not understand the definition of emotions i.e. they cannot label a form of human behavior arising from a specific emotion.

Mother-Kitten Relationship

DW emailed a nice photograph of what appears to be mother and father cats with their offspring. In groups, sometimes the mothers receive support from other female cats… There appears to be at least seven kittens, six of which are blue and one tabby. As the adult cat on the left is a tabby …

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