Xylitol in cat drinking water reduces plaque and calculus

Cat drinking water

An interesting study1 clearly states that the addition of Xylitol to the drinking water of cats was effective in reducing plaque and calculus in their mouths. You know that plaque and calculus builds up in the mouths of cats along the gum line and is a major cause of gum disease. Gum disease is …

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How to check a cat’s mouth for oral health

Vet opening a cat's mouth

How do you check your cat’s teeth, gums and mouth generally? It’s important to do it but very difficult to carry out. Even using the standard veterinary technique, which I refer to below, many cats are reluctant to have their mouths examined. They might need to be restrained or sedated by a veterinarian. I …

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Cat drooling – full exposition

Dribbling drooling cat

This page has been checked, refreshed, added-to and republished as at January 15, 2022. It was first published about 13 years earlier. The technical term for a cat drooling is hypersalivation. There is too much saliva. Healthy dogs drool. Healthy cats donโ€™t drool although they might on occasion drool with delight! Here are some …

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Does dry cat food clean teeth?

No, dry cat food does not clean a cat’s teeth or help to protect gums despite what the pet food manufacturers claim – that was my initial thought and belief. It did not, and does not, seem logical when you think about it critically. For instance, when humans eat dried food, we don’t claim …

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Pet food manufacturers not doing enough to tackle cat oral health problems

Raw cat food for Maine Coons in Russia

The pet food industry resolutely fails to step up to the plate in tackling feline and canine oral health problems. They have a responsibility because poor oral health is one of the top health problems in cats and dogs. And you don’t have to look far to put the blame largely down to the …

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Top three cat health insurance claims

Cat checked for health

This page discusses the top three cat health insurance claims in America as per five pet insurance companies (2018). Trupanion said that their number one insurance claim concerned undiagnosed vomiting and diarrhoea. The second and third were urinary tract infections and kidney disease respectively. ASPCA reported the top three as: gastrointestinal conditions, hyperthyroidism and …

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