Passive smoking affects cats – both cigarette and marijuana smoke

Passive smoking can harm cats

This is a reminder that passive smoking affects pets as much as it does people. I find that this is rarely discussed but it is a form of animal abuse that goes on silently, almost invisibly, in the background. The information should apply to all kinds of passive smoking; cigarette smoke and for instance …

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Why is my cat wheezing?

Siamese cat wheezing. Siamese are predisposed to this condition.

Here are some reasons why your cat is wheezing. I would not normally write about medical issues because the veterinarian’s websites are tailored exactly for that sort of article but I have good reference books and therefore, despite not being medically qualified I can, I feel, provide a reasonable answer and some pointers. In …

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Does passive smoking affect cats?

Passive smoking pets can develop cancer

I am surprised that people use Google search to ask whether passive smoking affects domestic cats. Surely, it is obvious that it does or at least increases the risk of getting cancer. Why should domestic cats be excluded from passive smoking when we know full well that humans are affected by passive smoking? Arguably, …

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68% of smokers say that if their cat became ill through passive smoking they might stop

Third-hand cigarette smoke and cat health

Most smokers (78%) know that their habit could harm their cats. Both this finding and the one in the title are disturbing because they mean that cat owners who smoke are willing to harm their cat for the sake of maintaining their habit. The pet insurer MORE TH>N carried out a survey on smokers …

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Can cats get cancer from second-hand smoke?

Yes, cats can get cancer from second-hand smoke. Although common sense dictates that this must be the case, a television super vet, Noel Fitzpatrick, says that pet owners haven’t quite yet got the message that both dogs and cats can get cancer from second-hand smoke. He says that dogs get cancer in their noses …

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