The story of Faith a cat who received the PDSA Silver Medal in 1945


Faith was a remarkable cat who displayed extraordinary courage during the London Blitz in World War II. Here’s her inspiring story: In 1936, Faith was a stray who found her way into St Augustine’s and St Faith’s Church in London. Despite being repeatedly put outside by the verger; she persisted and eventually made the …

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Picture of ‘Pyro’ the only wartime flying domestic cat

Pyro the flying WW2 tabby cat

This is very late in the day to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of a humble tabby cat who was rescued as a kitten by photographer, Bob Bird, who, during World War II, worked at the Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment based in Helensburgh, Scotland. As a photographer he named his rescued kitten “Pyro” because …

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British are increasingly adopting declawed cats from America

Cat air travel

A PDSA report tells us that 5% of cat owners in the UK who acquired their cat from abroad (and I’m going to presume that this is North America) did so with the purpose of adopting a declawed cat. “Alarmingly, 5% of cat owners who got their cat from abroad, equating to 31,000 cats, …

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