So what is the cat fancy? The infographic explains and below the infographic there are image links to more articles on the topic. They are cat lovers and they love fancy cats!
pedigree cats
Difference between ‘purebred’ and ‘pedigree’ infographic
Well, I thought I’d do an infographic on this common and slightly knotty topic. It comes up a lot and oftentimes people use the word ‘pedigree’ to mean ‘purebred’ and vice versa. And as you can see, in the infographic, they can be correct but it does not always follow that a purebred cat is also a pedigree cat. Please check out the infographic as to why. Comments are welcome. P.S. random-bred cats or moggies have not been selectively (artificially) bred to have the same parents and grandparents as they are created through natural selection. Although because sometimes they live on an island or are confined to a space, they can become purebred through natural inbreeding as mentioned for the Bahraini Dilmun in the infographic.
Bicolor cats infographic
The infographic by me summarises information about bicolour cats. I hope you find it useful. There are image links to more pages on piebaldism and bicolour cats after the infographic.
Note: I am indebted to Sarah Hartwell of for her knowledge on piebaldism and the images in the middle of the infographic about grading. Other source: me and Gloria Stephens of Legacy of the Cat.
Occasionally, I like to simply publish a photograph of a champion show cat with their title to give readers an idea of what a top-quality purebred, pedigree cat looks like. In this instance I have chosen a cat from the Sal-Shire Ragdolls cattery. This cat is a CFA Grand Champion and a TICA Supreme …
Could my cat be part Maine Coon?
Your cat could be part Maine Coon but the only way you might be able to find out is with a DNA test (but see below). I can see that one so-called expert website states that you can confirm if you own a part Maine Coon by looking into their eyes. I am afraid …
Persian and Siamese cats rated better pets than non-pedigree cats
This is an interesting study (Turner 1995a) which compared the general interaction between cat guardians and Persian and Siamese cats compared to random bred cats (non-pedigree cats). It was conducted in Switzerland and is reported in a book called Companion Animals and Us-Exploring the Relationships between People and Pets. It is a very detailed …
The meaning of “lines” in cat breeding
The goal of cat breeders should be to found (establish) a line of healthy cats which excel in reference to the breed standard of the cat association at which their cats are registered. The word “line” in cat breeding comes from the word “bloodline”. Bloodline means an animal’s line of ancestors with particular reference …
How do I know if my cat is pedigree?
The answer to the question is in the word “pedigree”. The word pedigree is defined as: “the record of descent of an animal, showing it to be pure-bred.” As you can see you need a record of the cat’s family tree in a document. The family tree will show that the ancestors of the …