Karma and the treatment of cats and dogs (Philippines)

Manila community cat

Desiree Carlos, an author and an animal advocate living and working in the Philippines, has written an interesting and useful article for the Manila Standard website. It’s about karma, dogs and cats. In the Philippines there appears to be quite a high number of stray cats and dogs. And Desiree was taught by her …

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Cat protected child from vicious beating by mother. She realised her cat loved her.

Sister after a beating and bleeding profusely

When was the first time you realised that your cat really loved you? The question was asked on the Quora.com website and it was answered by the person who asked the question; a Filipino lady living in Manila which is the capital of the Philippines. I’ve called her a lady deliberately because she certainly …

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Philippines and cat superstitions

Black cat crossing person's path

Filipinos are a superstitious race. Superstitious beliefs play an important role in their decision making according to my research. The Philippines is still considered a developing country. Is it fair to say that the citizens of developing countries tend to be more superstitious that those of developed countries? Perhaps but the Philippines has an …

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Cats and dogs and other pets blessed by priest at festival of Francis of Assisi

Pets blessed by priest

Philippines: Cats and dogs were among the animals blessed by a priest with holy water sprinkled with great generosity outside a shopping centre in Quezon City to mark the festival of Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals and World Animal Day. The priest sprinkled holy water on more than 100 pets some …

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Without Consultation Hotel Removes Colony of Cats from Adjacent Park

Without Consultation Hotel Removes Colony of Cats from Adjacent Park

There is often a silent battle between TNR volunteers and hotels. It is played out on the ground and on Facebook. Once again, this is a story of the silent battle, replete with dirty tricks, between feral cat colony caretakers and the ugly side of commercial businesses (often hotels incidentally). Worldwide, commercial enterprises in …

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