Psychic trailing in domestic cats. Infographic.

Some people believe that domestic cats are bestowed with ‘psychic trailing’ (‘psi trailing’) meaning the ability to use extra sensory perception (ESP) to find their way home when for example their owner moves home and their cat returns to their old home or they’ve become lost. There is no firm science to support psychic …

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Canadian company hopes to start ‘absurd’ commercial deep-sea mining in the Pacific

Ocean floor

OPINION: Humankind having done their damnedest to destroy the habitat of wildlife on the ground (mainly forests), is now planning to do the same thing on the ocean floor where there are wild species that we haven’t even discovered yet. Humankind is going to destroy that part of nature that we are yet to …

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The computer coding nerds will inherit the Earth not the meek

Artificial intelligence may be more devastating to humanity than the hydrogen bomb

AI is a threat to democracy and is more dangerous than H-bombs or perhaps they’ll work together in their destruction with the former preceding the latter. The nerds that created artificial intelligence computing are in the same category as J Robert Oppenheimer who created the atomic bomb. Both have the potential to destroy the …

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