Donald Trump and Kristi Noem are toxic for animal welfare and conservation

Trump with Noem

OPINION: There’s been a lot of talk about Kristi Noem recently because she shot her young dog in a gravel pit on her farm because she considered the dog to be useless as a hunting dog and by all accounts was very irritated with Cricket’s behaviour. She didn’t consider retraining him or rehoming him. …

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Potential Trump VP Kristi Noem defends shooting her dog

Kristi Noem

An internet story dating back 20 years details an incident involving potential Trump VP Kristi Noem, who reportedly shot her dog named Cricket on her South Dakota farm. She deemed the dog untrainable and dangerous, leading to its death in a gravel pit. Kristi Noem, the Governor of South Dakota, expressed dislike for the …

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The West needs animal loving benevolent dictatorships rather than democracies. Discuss.

Benevolent animal-loving dictator good for animal welfare

I’ll keep this short as it is a little off-track from the normal cat article! And I only want to make one point – a very personal point but one that I’ve been thinking about for a long time and which Rod Liddle writing in The Sunday Times makes today in his inimitable and …

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Boris Johnson’s tomcat swagger ‘neutered’ by events of his own making

Boris neutered

In the news at the moment there is a plethora of cat analogies to describe the trials and tribulations of Boris Johnson, the UK’s former prime minister who recently resigned due to a cascade of criticism over his inability to stick to the rules. In the Sunday Times today there is a big article …

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