Why are black-and-white cats unpopular?

Tuxedo Cat or black-and-white cat

Black-and-white cats are more popular than black cats and less popular than grey cats. Therefore, their popularity is relative and it is incorrect to suggest that they are unpopular in an absolute sense. Cat lovers like black-and-white cats because they like cats in general. It is worth noting that we are only discussing one …

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What are the popular cat breeds?

Although cat association registration numbers don’t automatically equate to public popularity, they are an indicator, hence the title, which was selected for SEO reasons. This page applies to the UK. Michele informed me that: Overall, pedigree cat numbers are going down in the UK. In 1997 there was a total of 32,696 pedigree cats …

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Maine Coon Cats (comprehensive page)

Ginger tabby Maine Coon kitten

Notice and introduction: – PLEASE READ THIS – this page is too long for Googe nowadays. It was written many years ago. I have therefore divided it up into several smaller pages and at the end of each page there is a link to the next (pagination). All the original information is there. It …

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