When asking Google for information about cat breeds remember cats are individuals

Domestic cats are individuals

Time and again Google search tells me that people who are thinking of adopting a pedigree cat are looking to find out if a cat breed likes to cuddle, is a lap cat, likes other cats or “what do they like to eat?”. They are searching for specific information about a cat breed of …

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Moggies should be bred to be disinterested in hunting

Breeding cats who have no interest in hunting

Let’s think of a brave new world, a considerable time in the future, when people have control over the creation of random bred cats (moggies) and when they might be bred by licensed breeders who focus exclusively on their cats’ character and primarily a total disinterest in hunting. Under these circumstances, perhaps 200 years …

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Mass spaying and neutering might leave us with less nice cats

Sweet kitten

“..the widespread adoption of early neutering by the most responsible cat owners risks pushing the domestic cat genetics back gradually towards the wild, away from their current domesticate state.” (Dr Bradshaw of Cat Sense) Humans selectively breed purebred cats mainly for their glamorous appearance. We almost never selectively breed random bred cats (moggies). However, …

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What are these cats? Wild, domestic or hybrid?

https://youtu.be/XunFCgs7rj8 Three newborn kittens were found in an Indiana barn. One of them died. The other two you see in the video. There is a lot of speculation about these kittens. Some articles discuss what sort of breed these cats are which is a fallacy. These newborn cats might be wild cats in which …

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