Animal advocates’ $7000 reward to find polygamous community cat shooters

Animal advocates' $7000 reward to find polygamous community cat shooters

Animal advocates in southern Utah have stumped up a $7k reward to find out who is shooting at cats and dogs in the area. The area is Hildale, Utah and Colorado City, Arizona places were you’ll find the crumbling remains of the polygamous, fundamentalist Mormon community. This isolated community, living in a bygone age, …

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The Moment in History When People Became Superstitious about Black Cats

It could be argued that 1233 is the year when people in general became suspicious about black cats. You can blame a gentleman whose name is Konrad von Marburg. The 13th century was a time of huge superstition. Heretics were demonised by the church. There was the Inquisition. Heretics were those people who held …

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