Pay attention to what your cat is telling you through his body language

Cat welfare manager

Paying attention to what your cat is telling you through his body language can be the difference between good and bad cat ownership (caretaking or guardianship). The words could have been mine but come from the manager of animal welfare at the British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BCSPCA), Kim Monteith. …

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New law provides protection for pets in domestic violence situations

Ohio Legislative Service Commission: A new Ohio law is being debated which provides protection for pets belonging to domestic violence victims. This is very important because anyone who follows cat news will be aware that a lot of the time pets, often cats, are used as pawns in a hostile domestic environment. There are …

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Insensitive Sarah Palin Invokes Discussion about Respect for Animals

Introduction: After writing this article a thought came to me (you may like to read the article first and come back to the intro). No one has mentioned this point. Sarah Palin’s 6-year-old-son Trig has Down syndrome and he is the main “player” in this online media story. Isn’t it unfair on Trig? I …

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