Andean mountain cat might use its decaying faeces to keep warm

Andean mountain cat set against the Andes

The Andean mountain cat is quite well known nowadays thanks to the Internet but scientifically speaking there’s more to know about this small wild cat species that looks a little like a domestic tabby cat. They live, as the name implies, in the high plains of the Andean Mountains where it is bitterly cold …

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Why do Maine Coon cats cross their legs?

Maine Coon with crossed from legs

Yes, there is evidence on the internet from Maine Coon (MC) owners in photographs and videos that MCs like to cross their forelegs when resting. You see it all the time but you are less likely to see it in random bred cats. Well, it is very hard to produce a definitive and accurate …

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Do cats’ paws fall asleep?

Why no pins-and-needles!?

In other words, do cats get pins-and-needles in their feet? We don’t know the answer for sure. We can guess pretty accurately, though, that cats don’t get pins-and-needles in their paws and lower legs – the area below the hock. You won’t find scholarly articles on this but there will be anecdotal evidence. My …

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