Working domestic cats keep down rodent numbers in trenches in Ukraine’s war with Russia

Enlisted cat with the rank of sergeant

NEWS/COMMENT: It appears, as reported by the Mirror newspaper, that troops on both sides in the Ukraine war are suffering from pests such as snakes, mice and rats attracted to their trenches where there’s food. The mice are attracted and then the snakes which prey on the mice. There are nine species of snake …

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12 bad things that can happen when your cat brings in a mouse

Cat catches a mouse and brings it into the home and causes negative consequences for the owner

Last night my cat brought in a mouse. And a lot of things happened which were negative to my life and one thing that was negative to his as it happens. I’ll list them here. There you have a dozen negatives impacting my life just because I live with a top line predator who …

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Can rats be as big as cats?

We often read in the news media about rats being so big that they are as big as cats. Can this be true? Are people exaggerating? People tend to exaggerate when they are frightened of something. It happens all the time. Normally exaggerating the size of an animal occurs when people spot a mysterious …

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Temple officials in India fear that ultrasonic rat repellents will disturb the gods’ sleep

Temple officials in India fear that ultrasonic rat repellents will disturb the gods but CATS are ineffective in getting rid of them

NEWS AND OPINION-JAGANNATH TEMPLE, INDIA: For me, this is an interesting clash between religious belief and practicalities. And in passing it is about cats! The 12th century Jagannath Temple in eastern India is revered by Hindus. It is a pilgrimage site. It is beloved and a very important temple. But it is under attack …

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You want to adopt a cat which is less likely to hunt than normal

You want to adopt a cat that is less likely to hunt and kill

In general, cat owners don’t like the fact that their domestic cat companions hunt. Clearly, I’m referring to cats allowed outside. A lot of cat owners also want their cats to go outside so that they are mentally stimulated and can express their natural desires. But they don’t like the fact that they kill …

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“Green rodent control” – what is it and how good is it?

Green rodent control program run by Tree House Humane Society

I continue to be impressed by the green rodent control program as operated by Treehouse Humane Society in Chicago. As you might expect, it’s a reference to putting feral cats back on the streets in locations where there is a perceived rat problem. The cats deter the rats and because nasty chemicals are not …

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New South Wales government will be killing dogs, cats, livestock and wildlife with bromadiolone


Bromadiolone has been described as the world’s strongest mouse poison which kills them in 24 hours but which is yet to be approved by the regulators in Australia. The New South Wales government want to use it to manage and suppress the well-reported mouse plague in their state which, according to news media, is …

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