Stray cats and dogs are well protected under Italian law

One of Rome's many stray cats and a member of a protected colony

It may surprise some people, as it has surprised me, that stray cats and dogs are given a lot of protection in Italy; far more than in most other countries. This probably shouldn’t surprise me because the stray cats – I’m loathe to call them feral cats because they appear to be semi-domesticated – …

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Trap-neuter-release has worked well for the stray cats occupying four ancient temples in Rome, Italy.

Stray cat makes home in Roman ruins

This is an example of the success of trap-neuter-release (TNR) in the remains of four temples dating from the third and second centuries BC at the Largo De Torre Argentina site which were first discovered in the 1920s by the builders planning an apartment block. The site was left exposed and it is sunken …

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