King Charles III uses vile snare traps on his vast Sandringham estate

King Charles III uses snare traps on his Sandringham estate

King Charles III uses vile snare traps on his Sandringham estate which causes animal cruelty in order to protect the pheasants which are then shot which causes more animal cruelty. That’s your king. Michael When King Charles was Prince Charles, he was heavily criticised by PETA for using vile snare traps on his Sandringham …

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Coronation oil is painfully extracted from the gland of a deeply abused wild “cat”

Civet cat produces oil which will be used in Coronation oil, and it is extracted cruelly. The cats are farmed and treated cruelly throughout their lives.

King Charles III’s Coronation is scheduled to take place next May. He wants it to be a shortened version and less expensive which better suits the current cost of living crisis. However, the Coronation is a deeply historical event going back aeons and part of it includes the anointing of the Monarch with holy …

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