Son drives over three cats with proud mum in passenger seat

Social media post in which mother praises son for running over cats

While the son drives the vehicle, his mother sits in the front passenger seat. Allegedly, the son drives over three cats and his mother praises him online for doing his bit in eliminating the cat population. Extraordinary social media post – an admission of a crime The mother’s social media post states that she …

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Paddles, Prime Minister of New Zealand’s Cat is Run Over

Jacinda Ardern and cat Paddles

Many of us have heard of the rescue cat, Paddles, who was owned by New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern. She was a polydactyl cat having six toes on each front paw. She also had 11,700 Twitter followers reports Bernard Lagan of the Times. Jacinda was distraught when reporting that her one-year-old ginger and …

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