The solution if your kitten wants to curl up on your work papers

Cute tabby kitten curls on man's papers as he tries to work

This cute tabby cat in this equally cute YouTube video from the Philippines wants to curl up on the papers that this guy wants to work on and as usual the kitten is very persistent. One of the great qualities of the domestic cat is their persistence which is why they get their way …

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Why do cats crawl under blankets?

Cat under duvet

Above: My cat under the covers larking around. Photo: Michael. Domestic cats crawl under blankets to: Feel secure; Feel physically warm; Feel emotionally warm and reassured as it is likely that the cat will smell the scent of their human companion; To have some fun. A concern is that cats cannot breathe properly under …

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Humans hate their body odour but cats love it

BO chemical in humans - thioalcohol

A lot has been written about the domestic cat’s dependence on scent. They depend upon it in so many aspects of their lives. It is crucially important to them. They love the scent of their human guardians. The bedroom is a “scent soaker” according to Jackson Galaxy. He means that the bedroom is dripping …

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How a nursing home cat had the unusual ability of predicting death within the next hours


You may remember Oscar. He is quite famous (actually very famous). He’s a fluffy, grey-and-white brindled cat who was adopted by a nursing home in Providence, Rhode Island, USA in 2005 as a kitten. He resided in the dementia unit of the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Centre. Is Oscar still alive? Please leave …

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