What is the black cat personality?

Charlie my cat

I’ve been doing some research on black cat personality and it is striking to report that their personality is almost diametrically opposed to the diabolical image that they have thanks to their association with witches in the Middle Ages. I can refer to at least three good sources on black cat personality which I …

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Criminals shouldn’t live with a cat or dog as their hairs might link them to a crime

Using cat and dog hair to convict criminals

Criminals should take note of this research. The advice is that criminals should not live with a cat because DNA testing on cat hairs might lead to a cat owning criminal being convicted for a crime at a property or other place where they leave behind cat/dog hairs. Scenario I can think of one …

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Silvervine is non-addictive and safe for cats to enjoy

Cat reacts to silvervine

Until a recent study was published by a group of Japanese researchers led by biochemistry Professor Masao Miyazaki of Iwate University’s Faculty of Agriculture, there was no hard evidence that silvervine (matatabi) was safe and non-addictive to domestic cats. Although the general consensus was that it is a safe and a mild hallucinogenic which …

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Tomcats produce more sperm from July to December than at other times (Brisbane)

Tomcats produce more sperm in the breeding season

I’ve just bumped into a Google Scholar study which tells me that tomcats (male cats who’ve not been sterilised) produce more sperm during the months of July to December than at other times of the year “thus indicating increased accessory gland activity during the breeding season”. The breeding season is spring and summer. But …

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Are wild cats smarter than domestic cats?

Who's smarter: domestic or wild cat?

Scientists have looked into whether wild cats are smarter than domestic cat. Their study is entitled: “Are domesticated animals dumber than their wild relatives? A comprehensive review on the domestication effects on animal cognitive performance.” I discuss the study below and start off with a general discussion on the difficulties in making a comparison. …

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White cats glow in the dark! But have you ever seen it?

Leopard skin glows under UV light as it is flourescent

News media are reporting on a study which says that cats are fluorescent and therefore they glow in the dark. But I don’t understand this report. It does not make sense to me at all. The study says that many animals emit fluorescent light. Fluorescence is the emission of light by a substance which …

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Domestic cats on vegan diets are healthier than those on meat-based diets?

Confused vegan cat

The results of a study published on September 13, 2023 on the PLOS ONE website reveal that the participating cat owners decided that their cat was healthier on a vegan diet compared to a meat-based diet. The findings are going to be controversial and have been reported in the news media online. There are …

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