The distribution of Fel D1, the cat allergen (antigen) on and in a cat’s hair and skin

Studies analysed the distribution of the Fel D1 antigen produced by the domestic cat which is deposited on the cat's skin and on their fur and is inside the skin and fur as well. Most of it comes from the sebaceous glands.

A lot has been written and published on the Internet about the allergen produced by the cat, Fel D1, which causes an allergic reaction in between 10% and 20% of people. Technically, an allergen is an antigen. Historically, people generally believed that the Fel D1 allergen is in a domestic cat’s saliva. But it …

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Sphynx cats prone to developing yeast infections

There are high levels of Malassezia colonization in Sphynx cats which can cause a yeast infection called ‘Malassezia dermatitis’. The hairlessness of the Sphynx causes many problems another of which is that the sebaceous oils deposited on the skin and not the hair attracts grime and can cause stains. “They stain sheets and such …

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Is cat dander bad for babies?

Cats and babies in harmony together

Is cat dander bad for babies? My answer based on careful research is that it is probably or possibly good for babies. However, we are currently (2022) unsure. Please read on. It is helpful to ask: “What is cat dander?” Cat dander describes very small particles about five microns (µm) in diameter. It becomes …

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Flea combing your cat: it’s a win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win activity!

Tube of fleas

Every cat owner on the planet should have a couple of high-quality flea combs1 purchased from Amazon which they keep by their bed. And every day they use one of them twice. They start on the forehead and pass the comb down the back of the head onto the shoulders. They then go from …

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Hairless cat earwax buildup (a discussion)

The public is told that earwax buildup is greater in hairless cats than normal. Because there is a greater than normal buildup of earwax in hairless cats, the ears have to be cleaned more frequently. However, there is some mystifying information surrounding hairless cat ear wax which I would like to discuss on this …

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